Larmor Society


And constitutional matters


The purpose of the society, as well as the responsibilities of it's various committee members, is set out in the constitution. Though this is the foundation of the society, the reality is far more flexible. For example, almost every committee member must at some point assist in the transport of drinks and pizza, and in many cases, committee members do almost nothing at all.


The President, or often Co-Presidents, run the society. According to the constitution, the President(s) should "ensure the Society carries out its activities consistently with its objects, and in the best interests of the Society and the College... [and] be responsible for the long-term direction of the Society". 


The Treasurer is naturally responsible for the bank account, and the budgeting of the year's events. The treasurer must present the years budget to the Associated Societies in March, and propose the necessary funding for the coming year. 
The Treasurer is often responsible for paying, as well as for the carrying of heavy bags from Sainsburys. Most of all, the treasurer must make sure that debts are settled, and pester other societies for their promised contributions.

Social Secretary (Events Officer)

The Social secretary is probably the busiest role, having to organise and admin every social, swap, dinner, and garden party. This role comes with the most power, prestige, and notoriety. 
" To coordinate with the Junior Treasurer on the costs of events. " - The Constitution, 2022
So true.

Secretary & Academic Affairs

The Academic Affairs Officer(s) organise any talks or lectures from fellows and relevant guests, as well as other events with the fellowship, industry, and academia. In recent years this has been a smaller role, though there is an effort to increase the extent of these events going forward.

The Secretary organises the termly meeting, and very little else. The Secretary should also "keep up to date a Register of Officers and Members of the Society", but I don't know what that means.

Publicity & Webmaster

The Publicity Officer is responsible for the Instagram account, as well as the relatively deceased Facebook. They should keep them up to date and active, and promote the society to the best of their ability. They are also supposed to "write emails twice per term to society members, containing information on events organised by the society, results of General meetings, and changes to the Society." which would be very nice, but does not happen. This is certainly what might be described as a lower commitment role.

Finally, the lowest commitment role of all, the Webmaster. Though purportedly responsible for this website (now being typed by the President), the Webmaster is effectively a position for an extra member to sit on the committee, without responsibility (Previously called a General Member). In the past, the role existed so that the outgoing President could remain involved, though it is now inhabited by Douglas Burns, who did not apply and is not particularly interested, but is loved.