Committee Members

Presidents - Alice and Ryan

Both are 3rd Years with Alice being a dedicated Plant Scientist and Ryan going deeper into the Chemistry iceberg. Both served as the most important non-presidential roles last year (social sec and treasurer respectively) and so are well poised to take our society in the right direction. As co-presidents, their job is to run the society. Who would've guessed?
When our presidents aren't inciting insurrections, Ryan is Cambridge incarnate with a love for literature and painting scarily realistic portraits. Alice (beyond having an amazing Chem B lab partner) won't stop talking about rowing and makes cleaning 100x harder after socials. With the society running smoothly and successfully, you have these two to thank for raising our (Lar)morale!

Treasurer - Theo

An incoming 2nd Year studying something. Maybe bio? As treasurer of this great society, Theo is responsible for the bank account (we are loaded) and budget for this year's events. This is one of the most important roles in the society, yet it is very underappreciated so if you see him say thank you. As he often likes to say "money money money". So true.
Theo, like our social sec, is involved with the Redboys and anything you have heard about them can be associated directly to his name. If he puts in a tad more effort into this role than he did with his manifesto, we might be okay. It's a rich man's world.

Events - Ojas

Ojas is a 3rd Year studying Chemistry. After winning the most highly contested election in Larmor history for his role, our new social sec has delivered an incredible garden party and will be organising (hopefully) many formal swaps and socials throughout the year. If there is anything that goes wrong for you this year socially, it is his fault.
Outside of the Larmor-sphere, Ojas is heavily involved with the Redboys and writes emails which can only be described as apt for someone who has had 50 concussions during his time at John's. As a professional chopper of pints and hater of shadmin, he brings key traits to his role as he specifically requests you to have fun.

Secretary - David

An incoming 2nd Year studying chem, chem and materials - which has been claimed to produce the most successful natscis. As secretary, David organises the termly meetings of the society and constitutionally this is an incredibly important role. In reality, I will let you decide for yourself.
Outside of this, David is an incredible juggler and is working on being able to juggle two balls. He also has a penchant for the martial arts, being a championship winning kickboxer and aikidoist. Wow!

Academic - Ed and Edmund

Both are incoming 3rd Years with Ed studying Physics (🚩) and Edmund studying Biochem. These two cover both the physical and biological aspects of the sciences so hopefully they will be able to provide balanced advice to those who want it. As your academic affairs officers they will be organising intellectually stimulating talks for the society that would knock the socks off of even Professor Plum. They are also creating some survival guides for natsci students to hold your hand throughout the year ☺️
The two of them possess a wide range of talents outside of academics from Edmund being a pennywhistle virtuoso to Ed throwing balls and hitting them with sticks as well. Edmund is also very tall.

Publicity - Harry

Harry is an incoming 3rd Year Materials Scientist (which is something to do with wheelie bins?). Selflessly taking on what is perhaps the society's hardest and most important role, Harry takes no responsibility for the ever-funny (but also informative) Instagram posts. He is also meant to run the Facebook but we're all only human, aren't we.
Outside of his rigorous studies, Harry is the treasurer of the St John's Pool Society (don't ask how much funding they get) and apparently does other things too.

Website - Dougie

An incoming 2nd Year studying the worst combination known to man - phys, phys, maths. Doug is NOT responsible for the up and coming improvements to the website (check it out - link in bio).
When he isn't solving the Schrödinger equation, he can be found in the bed of whoever is hosting natsci drinks or playing around with ketchup.

Biographies taken from the Larmor Instagram - Written by Harry Reeves