The Larmor Society

Where to find support

Even though the entire machinery of Cambridge is designed to make you work as hard as possible for eight weeks, three times a year, they have actually thought about looking after us - there is in fact a whole list of people you can see! They are:


The two Natsci Tutors at John’s are Dr. Miracle, who is an Archaeology fellow and mostly looks after the Bio Natscis, and Miss Tomaselli, who is a History fellow and takes care of the Phys Natscis. They can give you unbiased advice and guidance, as they’re not involved with teaching the Natural Sciences Tripos. They're meant to provide pastoral care independent of your subject.

You’ll see your Tutor at the start and end of each term, just for a quick chat about how everything’s going. They receive your supervision reports and are responsible for welfare issues. If you need someone to talk to about any problems, your Tutor is normally your first port of call.

Nurse and chaplain

If it’s something a bit more personal, you can speak to the College Nurse, or Rev'd Elizabeth Adekunle, the College Chaplain.

Your DoS or Tutor's secretary

For problems of a more administrative nature, your Tutors’ secretary is the person to see – all the secretaries are very helpful. They can help with student loan problems, grant applications, etc..

Your DoS

Dr Paul Wood is the Physical Sciences Director of Studies (DoS), while Dr. Chris Jiggins is the Biological Sciences DoS. You’ll discuss your first year options with either Dr Wood or Dr. Jiggins at the start of Michaelmas Term. They’re also the people to see about academic problems. If you're a mixture, you can go to either.

Slightly confusingly, each subject also has its own DoS, who’ll arrange supervisors for you and can be approached for general subject queries. You’ll also meet the DoS for each of your subjects at the start of Michaelmas. For IA:

Biology of Cells - Dr. Franze
Chemistry - Dr P. Wood
Earth Sciences - Dr. A. Galy
Evolution and Behaviour - Dr. C. Jiggins
Mathematics - Dr. S.M. Colwell
Materials Science - Prof. S. Best
Physics - Dr. M. Atature
Physiology of Organisms - Dr. H. Matthews