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Natsci Parenting

Biology of Cells


Evolution & Behaviour

Maths for Biologists


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Materials and Minerals


Physiology of Organisms

Quantitative Biology

IA Biology of Cells

Biology of Cells is exactly what it says on the tin. This is generally taken by most of the bio natscis as it provides a fundamental basis for all biology. However, there are a lot of physical natscis who feel the urge to be a bit cooler and also go for Cells, giving a bit of variety to the otherwise mathsy side of science. Over the year you'll cover macromolecules and cell structure, leading on to a term of genetics and finishing with signalling and embryonic development (not quite sure why you don't start with embryos, as would be a logical choice...!) and this sets you up for the 1B courses next year, of which biology clearly dominates such as biochemistry, cell and developmental biology and zoology to name a few.

There is one 5 hour practical (don't panic - you tend to finish early, plus you get an hour for lunch so lets call it 3 hours - it seems more manageable!) each week and they aren't assessed, although writing up small reports at the end of each one are recommended as these really help when it comes to revising for the practical exam... (a downside you could say, but at least its at the end of the year). The practicals try to layer upon the lectures, especially the genetics where you get to play with little flies and do genetic crosses as well as learning useful biotechnology techniques used in the field. The practicals are the only areas of Cells that require a little maths to work out oxygen levels, photosynthetic rate etc but in general its all theory from lectures.

Subjects that go with Biology of Cells:

As a purely biological choice, this subject definitely goes with the other biological options such as physiology and evolution & behaviour. The signalling course in Cells especially complements physiology. Many students choose Cells as their 'core' biological subject, with physiology and evolution & behaviour as additional options. Chemistry also goes well with Cells as many cellular reactions are based on the chemistry of macromolecules.

Which textbooks?

This is one if the subjects where textbooks become your bible for the year. Although our college library has several copies of the recommended texts, as they are used throughout the years of the natsci tripos, I say it's well worth investing in your own copies, especially if you're considering any of the biological subjects in 1B. I know its annoying when people say get this book or that book and after shelling out a fortune it just sits there on your shelf making you look studious, but I guarantee you, these books are definitely needed:

Stryer; Biochemistry (big green book)

Alberts; Cells (big silver book)

So if you see these at the natsci booksale, I'd recommend you snap it up quick!

© The Larmor Society 2006 / Updated by Ben Wynne on 31/10/2006
© The Larmor Society 2007 / Updated by Hamish Gordon on 12/06/2007